If you need help with using uLawPractice, check out our uLaw Answers video series. Each video goes over a specific question you might have as you use the software and explains the solution in detail.

Q562. What is Invoice Instructions and Invoice Term Instructions, How can I use it?

Q560. How to search Contacts or Clients by Source of contact or referral?

Q559. How to search Contacts or Clients by first or last name, address, notes using search criteria?

Q558. How can I search within my contacts or clients, Can I search by Address or Phone or Notes?

Q557. How to fix my Invoice download Issue because of a bad font in description of a docket?

Q556. What is the difference between a ToDo and a Event docket in the matter?

Q555. How can I send Bulk Email Remainders to all my clients who owe me money?

Q554. How to enter disbursement as a Prepayment and clear it from General account?

Q553: Could uLaw provide Revenue, Expense, and P&L report for income tax purposes, and taxes owed?

Q552. How can I make uLaw fill my own document template in DOCX format?

Q551. Can uLaw send client invoice balance payment reminders?

Q550. If you make a phone call from uLaw Apple iOS App we can capture it as a docket for billing.

Q549. How can I do LSO mandated Virtual Verification of my Client On iPhone inside uLaw?

Q548: How can I show last Invoice without showing the docket that might have sensitive information?

Q547. How can uLaw help me in everyday legal agreement drafting like Offer to Settle or Schedule A?